Friday, July 20, 2012

First Post

Yellow Brick Road

Well, this is my first post after completing all requirements of my EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. Blogging is something that I had never done before learning about its many benefits in Dr. John Strange's class. During the course of the summer semester, Dr. Strange scattered what I like to think of as bread crumbs, to lead his students in a direction of self discovery. Students with open minds and a curiosity to learn were able to uncover the advantages of blogging and other technological tools while completing assignments.

Blogging has become a creative outlet for me personally. Writing has always been something that I have enjoyed. Through blogging, I am able to reflect on lessons I've learned and chronicle ideas. Learning about various uses of blogging in the classroom has inspired me to create my own personal blog, in an effort to make it a habit; a part of my life. It is my hope that my continuing to blog throughout my college career, I will grow as a writer, communicator, and expand my knowledge of creating a quality blog. This will allow me to begin my teaching career as an educator who can extend this valuable resource to my students and their parents. I just have to remember to "Follow my Yellow Brick Road" in order to reach my goals. I may have reached the end of that road without EDM 310, but now I know when I get there, the end result will be more valuable than it ever could have been before.